Monday, 10 October 2016

Inspiration For Concept

We were able to get inspiration from many different sources for our concept because it is quite common in music videos. The idea of a relationship in struggle is something that we could easily access from anywhere in the media, this meant that we had to work harder to try and make our video unique and not like the ones everyone else sees.
For our inspiration we looked at existing music videos as well as other sources of media like film to give us an understanding of techniques and storylines that we could use. our first source we looked at the student music video made by Joe Murray Firehorse - 'Bloodstream'.

This music video follows very similar story lines as ours, except its basically in reverse. this video uses some really nice techniques to show that one another like each other without any text or facial expressions (tucking hair behind the ear), which I believe could work really well in our video. Also the story goes from a couple falling un love to arguing and eventually breaking up, ours starts with the break up and then the couple get back together in the end.

Strangers on a train

The film 'Strangers on a train' was our next source of inspiration as it uses quite a  technique that we would find useful in our video. In the opening scene of the film, the camera films two different guys walking towards a destination but we only see their feet, what's different about this scene is that one guy is only filmed walking in one directions (left) and the other is film only walking in the other (right). This gives the audience the idea that they are going to arrive and meet each other at the same destination. This could really work in our video as the two characters in our concept are too going to find each other at the beach (our final destination) and by using this technique we can give the audience the same idea that 'strangers on a train' tried to get across. this technique also creates an enigma for the audience as they wanting to know where the characters are going and where they will arrive.

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