1: Narrative -
Narrative music videos are ones that tell a story or show us a story. this is usually in link with the lyrics of the song (showing what the song tells us) to create a visual representation of what the song is about and what it means. An example of a narrative music video is Frank Ocean's Swim Good.
2: Performance -
Performance music videos are videos that show the band/artist performing their song. this category also includes performances from other media such as dance routines and other people singing or playing the song. The song I chose for this type was Foo Fighters - Pretender.
3. Concept -
Concept music videos are ones that are usually based on one single idea which tends to be quite different and obscure and sometimes they don't make sense. This is used to make sure the audience is watching and because they are so unusual it grabs their attention. One exapmple of this is Radiohead's 'Just' music video.
After researching different types of a music videos and watching multiple, I decided that for our own music video I think that it would be best if we were to do either a concept or narrative type (or even both). This is because I feel this is going to be the easiest to access as performance videos tend to have dance groups or the band performing themselves. This may be hard for us to do as getting the band to come and do a music video with us could be difficult depending on where they live. Also trying to find dancers to not only create a dance but to be at a professional standard could be extremely time consuming and hard to find without having to pay for anyone.
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