Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Sonic Youths - Norwich Art Centre

On the 9th August 2016 I attended a small gig while trying to find a song that we could use for our music video. This shows off a few young unsigned bands and artists at the Norwich Art Centre.

The first act that I saw was from a girl named Sadie Nencini. It was just her and her guitar and her music was very light and peaceful. This indie artist, although was young, was able  to create beautiful melodies which would be easy to make a story or a concept out of. Unfortunately the songs that she sung were quite similar and didn't really progress throughout each song and therefore I felt there were better options out there that would make better music videos. Also the lyrics of each song were quite simple, which for someone of her age was fine, for us I felt it would be hard to work with.

The next band/ artist I saw was a woman named Abigail Blake. Abigail was able to deliver a quirky and unique style which was something I've personally never really heard. Her mixture of harp and electronic beats created a refreshing sound but the lack of flow caused the songs to be hard to follow. This made it hard to picture a story or an idea that I could use for a music video.

The third was a duo called Jaztec. Jaztec had one artist playing a saxophone while the other used an electric keyboard. I really enjoyed listening to the music they created but it wasn't going to be suitable for our needs as there were no lyrics which meant it was hard to know what the songs were about and how to make a video for one of them.

The final band that I watched was The Midnight Zoo. These were a indie punk rock band, which I felt personally were the best act out of them all. Although they were probably the least unique band I felt they gave the best performance and each song built up with a beginning middle and end. this meant that it wold be very doable to create a good standard of music video because we could use each introduction of instruments as a new step in the music videos' story. The only problem with this band was the genre they were, the punk music meant that we were going against what we initially thought of doing and this could have been a problem.

Overall, I unfortunately wasn't able to find the perfect band for our creation of a music video but it definitely gave me some experience and ideas of what songs make good music videos and which songs don't. I was also able to get help from a family friend of ours which hosts this event able each band and who to look for in general.

Monday, 5 September 2016

Lyrics For Chosen Song

Samuel Ford - Kings

Hold your tongue,
don’t let your fear become
a call for your pardon,
a call for your sins.

Take your time,
there’s no need to hide your crimes
from all that surrounds you.

So live like we ought to,
live like we’re born to,
live like were all of us kings,
together we'll learn,
to grow when we're broken,
grow as we’re open,
grow with the age of defeat,
together we’ll learn.
Together we’ll learn to lose,
and we’ll love.

Break your glass,
its to soon to cloud the path,
of hope it is waiting.

So live like we ought to,
live like we’re born to,
live like were all of us kings,
together we'll learn,
to grow when we’re broken,
grow as we’re open,
grow with the age of defeat,
together we’ll learn.
Together we’ll learn to lose
and we’ll love.


Hold your tongue,
don’t let your fear become
a call for your pardon,
a call for your pardon.


The final choice was Kings by Samuel Ford. Unfortunately the reason why we have chosen this song was because our first choice (Rolled on by) was rejected when we were contacting them and therefore we decided to contacted Samuel Ford. Thankfully he accepted. This is the emails that we received and sent to Samuel Ford for the conformation for making a video for his song.
After a few conversations about our previous work and what we had in mind for this video he sent us the email allowing us to use Samuel ford's song.

Looking For A Band

To start looking for a band we first needed to find a website that was going to give us British Unsigned Bands/ Artists. After looking at a few website we finally found one which was legitimate and could provide us with want we needed, this was RicherUnsgined.

From this site we were able to pick out quite a few artists and bands that were suitable for our project.

One possible song that we were planning on using was Whispering Knights - Rolled on by

This song showed us a steady build up of different instruments which is good for a music video as allows us to know when to start a story or where to introduce new ideas into the video, for example at each point where a new instrument starts playing will be the key for something to happen like a man walking down a street. Another example of this is Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve which we used for our project.

The other possible artist that we found on RicherUnsigned was Samuel Ford - Kings

This song gives us quite a nice melody to deal with as it opens up a lot of different options for a music video. This is because you could quite easily make the video seem like a sad or happy . The lyrics of the also support this idea as well as creating a story or a concept for us.

basic ideas - research


1: Narrative -
Narrative music videos are ones that tell a story or show us a story. this is usually in link with the lyrics of the song (showing what the song tells us) to create a visual representation of what the song is about and what it means. An example of a narrative music video is Frank Ocean's Swim Good.

2: Performance -
Performance music videos are videos that show the band/artist performing their song. this category also includes performances from other media such as dance routines and other people singing or playing the song. The song I chose for this type was Foo Fighters - Pretender.

3. Concept -
Concept music videos are ones that are usually based on one single idea which tends to be quite different and obscure and sometimes they don't make sense. This is used to make sure the audience is watching and because they are so unusual it grabs their attention. One exapmple of this is Radiohead's 'Just' music video.

After researching different types of a music videos and watching multiple, I decided that for our own music video I think that it would be best if we were to do either a concept or narrative type (or even both). This is because I feel this is going to be the easiest to access as performance videos tend to have dance groups or the band performing themselves. This may be hard for us to do as getting the band to come and do a music video with us could be difficult depending on where they live. Also trying to find dancers to not only create a dance but to be at a professional standard could be extremely time consuming and hard to find without having to pay for anyone.